(410) 677-4985 (Office) | (443) 365-7290 (Cell)
What are the Most Common Medical Malpractice Claims?

We can assist if you require medical malpractice litigation services on the Eastern Shore, including Wicomico, Worcester, Talbot, or Queen Anne's Counties.
Christopher J. Russo, Jr. is an attorney who specializes in medical malpractice litigation. He has a wealth of experience and is proud to serve clients in Wicomico, Worcester, Talbot, and Queen Anne’s counties who need assistance with their healthcare, medical, and surgical malpractice cases.
He provides comprehensive legal services and carefully prepares each phase of a medical malpractice case.
He limits his practice to healthcare and medical malpractice cases on the Eastern Shore.
• Pleadings
• Discovery
• Witness Preparation
• Jury Exhibits
• Demand Letters
• Settlement Packages
• The Trial Itself (If Necessary)
Where to File a Medical Malpractice Suit?
★ Centreville

Queen Anne's County
Circuit Court
★ Easton

Talbot County
Circuit Court
★ Salisbury

Wicomico County
Circuit Court
★ Snow Hill

Worcester County
Circuit Court
Why choose RUSSOMALPRACTICE for your litigation needs:
- As a solo practitioner, Mr. Russo intentionally limits the number of cases he takes to ensure that each one receives the necessary and thorough attention it deserves.
- He is one of the few lawyers on the Eastern Shore who represent plaintiffs in medical malpractice cases. Additionally, he is a resident of the Eastern Shore.
- He has litigated cases against defense attorneys specializing in defending healthcare providers.
Attorney Russo’s Approach
“As a lawyer, I prioritize the needs of my clients above everything else. My area of expertise is medical malpractice law, which enables me to secure favorable settlements or verdicts that can greatly improve the well-being of my clients. Moreover, my efforts bring about positive changes in the medical industry”.
Get in touch with him to discover how he can assist you.
Medical Advice Disclaimer
The contents of this website do not provide medical advice. The information provided, including any images, drawings etc., are for general informational purposes only. This information is not intended, nor should it be considered, as an alternative to the advice of a qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation and never disregard and/or delay seeking such advice because of something you read on this website. The links contained on this website that lead to external sites are provided for convenience only and are not sponsored, endorsed, or approved by the Law Offices of Christopher J. Russo, Jr.
Legal Advice Disclaimer
The contents of this website are provided for informational purposes only, do not constitute legal advice and do not create an attorney-client relationship. The contents of any e-mails sent to the email address listed on this website or the contents of any contact forms sent from the Contact Page on this website do not create an attorney-client relationship and will not be treated as confidential. The Law Offices of Christopher J. Russo, Jr. do not warrant the accuracy of any information found on external sites.